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Promotion & Tenure

Appointment, promotion and tenure processes are called P&T in Lyterati.  These complex processes require sophisticated document management with appropriate access controls. Lyterati's P&T module is configurable and allows the creation of dossiers. With the ability to integrate committee and external reviews and configure authorization rules, our P&T module accommodates multiple types of processes.

Documents & Workflow

Lyterati’s P&T module empowers institutions to manage their P&T process from inception to completion while going well beyond the traditional document-based approach to P&T. With a host of features and capabilities, Lyterati P&T provides the flexibility and control a university needs to facilitate and track all parts of the P&T process. 

Each review level can have its own set of questions and requirements for document uploads. The institution has the ability to make certain questions or document uploads mandatory. Lyterati also allows faculty members to pull files uploaded from their previously completed P&Ts into their new P&T.

Lyterati's dossier management capability and the workflow routing processes bring these processes into the digital age. It is no longer necessary to route paper documents through various committee members and administrators. Lyterati's dynamic dossier management capability and online access for selected committee members and administrators - internal and external to the university - bring you rich functionality.

At each review level, a dossier can be generated. This dossier combines all the questions, answers, and document uploads into a single, downloadable PDF file. The user can choose to have uploaded documents appended to the dossier or to have them as links in the dossier that retrieve the uploaded document from the cloud.

At the end of each P&T cycle, a PDF copy of the dossiers is provided to the university, if needed.


Single file or multi-file upload with support for all common file types.


Make specific file uploads or questions mandatory. Dossier submission requires these fields.


Lyterati's dossier creator appends all the documents uploaded and creates a single PDF file. Files that cannot be appended, such as audio files, are added to the PDF as an authentication-secured link.


Route the dossier to as many levels as required. Each level can have their own requirements.


Lyterati supports the ability to have External Reviewers that can review P&T dossiers.


Create committees on the fly for entire colleges, departments, or for individual faculty. Assign multiple committees to a faculty member and set the questions or  create a poll for the committee to vote.

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