Highly configurable and feature-rich platform with the ability to attach documents, source from external databases, and explore your data with a point-and-click interface.
Built-in analytics for Chairs, Deans, Provosts, and other offices, secured by university-driven authorization rules. Explore data using unstructured data technology.
Configurable annual reports with support for taxonomy and narrative responses. Multi-level and flexible workflows with the ability to comment on annual reports and route them to completion.
Dossier- and workflow-based processes with document management for appointments, promotion, and tenure. Ability to integrate committees and external reviews within the context of authorization-rules.
Template-driven CV reports that present content to the faculty members with an ability to download data. Add data once, use it multiple times for individual and administrative purposes.
Dynamic web profiles built using big data technologies to replace static websites. Benefit from unprecedented exploration of data with links to resources on the internet.
Contribution Management
Lyterati's comprehensive taxonomy tracks faculty accomplishments in the areas of research, teaching and service. This hierarchy allows for seamless reporting, automatic populating of web profiles, and quick and easy faculty activity reporting. Use Lyterati's default taxonomy or configure it to meet your specific needs.

A Comprehensive Faculty Management Solution
Taxonomy for faculty accomplishments, workflow-based annual reporting, promotion & tenure, sabbatical, and contract management processes, insights for strategic planning, web profile, and support for Accreditation reporting.
Faculty Activity Reporting
Faculty Activity Reports or Faculty Annual Reports are an important administrative process for every institution. Lyterati's activity reporting module integrates with the taxonomy and allows for narrative responses. Responses to certain questions, such as Conflict of Interest questionnaires, can be marked as required. Faculty Activity Reporting allows multi-level and flexible workflows with the ability to comment on annual reports and route them to completion. A suite of analytical reports comes standard in the application to track and manage the process from start to finish.
Promotion & Tenure Dossiers
Appointment, promotion and tenure processes are called P&T in Lyterati. These complex processes require sophisticated document management with appropriate access controls. Lyterati's P&T module is configurable and allows the creation of dossiers. With the ability to integrate committee and external reviews and configure authorization rules, our P&T module accommodates multiple types of processes.
Other Administrative Processes
Lyterati's workflow framework allows institutions to manage administrative processes such as sabbatical, leave, contract management, and compensation management. With the ability to have multiple administrative processes running concurrently and control the routing and creation of dossiers, Lyterati's versatility adds significant value.
Faculty Web Profiles
Individual faculty profiles are automatically updated when faculty enter data in Lyterati. Lyterati supports fast searches by researcher, organization, or any category in the taxonomy. Faculty benefit by having an automatically updated profile. Web Profile analytics can be localized to your needs.
Built-In Analytics
Understanding and visualizing your university's data is important for external affairs, monitoring workflow progression, and data aggregation. Lyterati's reporting tool comes with standard reports for all areas of data. With multiple visualizations, filters, and ways to download the data, our reporting feature gives you advanced insight into your faculty accomplishments.